Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Next Big Storm Of January

Another storm rolled through Carolina and left us with another 8-9 inches. It was a beautiful winter wonderland. This time we didn't even bother bundling up the boys. It was way too much effort to put a million layers on them, only to enjoy the snow for about 2 minutes. E loved it, yet again!

A lot of rolling around and pretending with friends.
Unearthing her tricycles.

It lightly snowed the entire time E played on the back porch. Then within a split second, a small blizzard surrounded E and panic set in. Fight or flight? It's a quick flight, my friends. But look, even when she squints, she can barely see her way to the back door. ;)
She was fine...a little rattled, but fine. She undressed in disbelief of what just happened. "Whoa," she said. "I need hot chocolate."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so jealous of all your snow. We haven't had any for almost a month. E, have lots of fun for us.