Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Nothing But Trouble-Part 1

My nightmare started about 4 1/2 months ago. Yes...4 1/2 long months ago. A ginormous stone decided to make his presence known in my kidney. At first, the all round achiness had me believing I was sick. But when I woke the next morning with severe pain on my left side, I knew something was wrong. The nausea kicked in and I had three little ones wanting breakfast.

If I wasn't puking, I was on the computer or the phone trying to diagnose myself. A came home for lunch to help with the kids as my pain progressively got worse. My in laws called to help, but I was determined to stick it out. It couldn't last TOO long, right? That evening I was in agony. There was
absolutely no position I could place my body to get one second of relief. Believe me, I was trying. At times, the pain was so sharp, I could barely catch my breath. So I just paced in circles around the house, trying to breathe and keep it somewhat together in front of the kids. I got a hold of the on-call nurse at our doctor's office and together we tried to find a solution. Turns out, my symptoms could be a number of things, so she told me to drink fluids, use a heating pad, etc, etc and call the doctor in the morning if there's no change.

What a night. I spent half the time in the bathroom, puking away. Pain. Unbelievable pain. It was horrendous. So, with no improvement by morning, my in laws came to help with the kids while I headed to the doctor. A felt bad he couldn't help out, but it was an extremely busy week for him with meetings and workshops that he was leading.

Anyway...the doctor pretty much diagnosed me with a kidney stone trying to escape, but wanted a CT scan. A was able to take me to the hospital to get a glorified picture of my bones and organs. It was, in fact, a kidney stone. So the doctor asked if I wanted to go to a urologist. I declined, thinking, I can pass this thing. She said to drink a ton of fluids to get it to pass and then gave me pain killers with anti nausea medication.

I can't believe I went so long in such pain.
The pain killers worked, but I was afraid to take a full pill each time. I was constantly aware of my pain. Some days more than others. I then called the doctor back, after having no success with passing the stone. She made the appointment with the urologist...the only one in the county. I did a double take on his name and noticed he got his degree in India. Hmmm. I wondered if I could get an appointment in a neighboring county, but they had a 6 week wait as opposed to my 4 week wait. I waited the 4 weeks. The pain started to subside, but never went away. If I were more active (like pushing the stroller or lifting the kids) it would flare up with intense sharp pain, but usually it was a dull constant pain.

Finally, the day arrived to see the doctor!


Gordon, Jamie, Evelyn, Claire and Bonnie said...

What no pictures?! Ha ha ha! JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!! I am so glad that you are better!!!! WE LOVE YOU!

Gordon, Jamie, Evelyn, Claire and Bonnie said...

PS - I just realized...there's more to this story isn't there!!?? Because this is "PART 1"...oh dear!

Lauren said...

Oh no! How terrible! But you can't just leave us hanging like this. What happened????