Things are slowly starting to calm down over here. It could be a mix between maturing, our extreme devotion to the classical music station, and the beginning of child labor. Hmmm...
W really does love the vacuum. He begs to vacuum every time I bring it out of the closet. If I open and close the closet door without getting the vacuum out, W will no doubt protest in some fashion. Tears are often involved. He follows me from room to room, turning it on and off, pulling on the cord, or taking the attachments. He can hardly stand to wait for his turn. He's finally content when I relinquish the vacuum. I have to admit...he's pretty good...and he can actually plug it in, push the vacuum, place the attachments on correctly, and vacuum most of the room.
O has been taking an interest in putting the dishes away. He takes the silverware from the dishwasher and plops them into the drawer. E is there to help organize. O has also done a better job at putting things away (books on the shelf, toys in the bins, or trash in the sink...yeah...we're still working on that).
I mean...look at this. This deserves documentation. I think this was the first time the boys actually sat down and nicely played together...quietly too. I had time to take a few pictures and video this momentous occasion. That is... before the mood changed. Yeah, it didn't last too long. O decided W's potato head was better and had to have it. W then swiped O's head. Pieces were thrown and the task was quickly abandoned. I'm glad I got it on video. Not only is it funny, but I've got proof of their shining moment of togetherness.
On a side note, Santa brought E a bike for Christmas and she learned to ride it in just a few tries. She even coasted backwards down our driveway!
She dressed herself this day, and yes, those are swim shoes. Cutie pie.
Oh...not only do I believe that classical music has calmed our household, but there are even more benefits! My kids dance to the music and E can recognize specific instruments as well as the mood of the song.
Pretty spiffy, eh?
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