Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Box Full of Fun

Our dishwasher went kaput after only 4 years. Lovely, eh? So when we brought home our new one, the kids had a fantastic toy to play with...a huge box. It was so great. I loved it so. The kids were occupied and having fun. They had a fort, store, cave, and a well. They filled it with cushions, blankets, or toys. They rolled it over and turned it upside down, both while in and out of the box. Tons of fun.
Filled with couch cushions for a trampoline.

However, W didn't like it when things got a tiny bit out of control. He was done until things mellowed.

The other two didn't mind the craziness. They kicked, banged, and just about demolished the box. I had to enforce a few rules after awhile because I realized I could lose the box soon. That would be horrible! I needed to hang onto that box as long as possible.
One morning I heard a big thud, then whimpering, then laughing. I came to investigate and found O. This box is about 3 1/2 feet deep and O was at the bottom, looking up at me with a big grin. He climbed onto the living room chair and threw himself into the box. After explaining that he could hurt himself, I moved the box away from the chair and hoped he wouldn't do it again. Yeaaahhhh.
I heard the wrestling of the box and Big Sis was now involved. I soon heard more giggling. This time they had a pillow at the bottom and they were jumping into the box from the Little Tykes play castle. Very daring.
After about a week of entertainment, the kids were busy loading toys, blankets, and books into the box. They were planning to snuggle inside and play. How fun. I loved our box. Within a few minutes of play time inside the box, E exclaimed, "Mommy, O's stinky!" Did I jump to it and retrieve him right away? No. But when E shouted, "Eew! Mommy! O's REALLY stinky!" I came over to change him. To my absolute horror, the child was covered in poop. He had an enormous blowout that seemed to spray in all directions. E must have been under a blanket because she was spared from the blast. Unfortunately, the blankets, books, and many toys were not so lucky. It was everywhere...and the stench...gag.

That, my friends, was one sad ending to a fun filled week
with our glorious box.
I bid farewell.
Sniff, sniff


Rich said...

O is adorable!!! Awesome, we need to live close to a box factory or something. Could you just imagine a refrigerator box?

Shelby said...

nothing's better than a box. so sad it had to end that way. that is so funny. but, good times, good times... Maybe a new stove next?

Carson Knaphus said...

I remember when my parents got a new refridgerator...my siblings and I had weeks and weeks of fun....we were all teenagers!