Monday, July 12, 2010

Nothing But Trouble -Part 3

A's parents arrived early Wednesday morning to watch the kids for the day. A and I arrived at the hospital and decided to document this momentous occasion.

I wasn't allowed to have any scent on me. No lotion, sprays, make-up, polish, powder, whatever. I also couldn't wear any jewelry. Since I was fasting, my stomach had started to grumble and I was quite thirsty.

The nurses were really nice as we were prepping for the Lithotripsy. After another x-ray, they gave me some magic drugs and said I would drift off to sleep, but I didn't. It was ok though. I wanted to know what was going on around me.

I was so ready for this to be over. Here's a lovely shot of me and my constant pain.

I got my IV, chit chatted with A for almost an hour and began to feel cold.

Into the wheelchair for my procedure, which was in a mobile unit just outside the hospital.

As the nurse elevated me into the unit, we were still cross checking who I was and why I was there. I was placed on a table with half of the middle cut out just under the kidney. The cut out had a water filled bubble type thing in it. They scooted me here, there and here again to place my body in the exact location for the procedure to work effectively. My IV was arranged, got hooked up to several monitors for my heart rate and breathing, legs were propped under a pillow, both arms under pillows, and oxygen was placed in my nose. I was then strapped down with large belts so I couldn't move and the Lithotripsy machine closely loomed overhead like a giant spaceship. It was a tad claustrophobic.

Don't be a hero, the nurse told me. The machine sends out sound waves to break up the kidney stone and it feels like a rubber band smacking you. It may not hurt at first, but after an hour of this, you'll be in a lot of pain. So you need to ask for pain medication before you're in a lot of pain. You can ask for it as often as you like. Ok. So they began.

SNAP, SNAP, SNAP!! It was like a rubber band smacking me...really fast though. Not too bad. But within a few minutes, I thought...Maybe I should ask for pain medication...Nooo, I can, I think I need it. It was at this point that I felt drowsy and I couldn't quite tell how much time passed between each blink. I was pretty out of it from then on. I do remember mumbling for more pain meds again. I also remember waking up when the procedure was over and they told me I did a great job. I have no memory of getting off the mobile unit, coming back into my hospital room, nor A joining me again.

I was waking up at this point. The nurse provided a wet cloth for my face because apparently I kept telling her I was hot. I also got a small bowl for a possible puke. I then got dizzy and they placed me in a recliner. A was talking to my mom when I received ginger ale to drink. I thought I was drinking, but I then woke up to it spilling all down the front of me. A took my drink away laughing as he explained things to my mom, but then hung up quickly as I started to puke. I was extremely hot, dizzy, nauseated, and somewhat out of it still...not to mention in a great deal of pain.

My pics stop here. You're not surprised, are you?

After spending awhile in a hospital bed, I checked out after 2pm. They wheeled me out to the car and I felt every piece of gravel on the ride home. I was successful to not allow myself to throw up in the car, thank goodness. Once home, A helped me inside and straight to bed. My home treatment began that evening when I woke up in pain.

Next up...the recovery...or is it?


Ryan and Rachel said...

Wow. Quite the ordeal! I hope the recovery is quick and the pain stops!! I'm totally impressed with how long you've functioned with this inside you! You're amazing.

Patrice said...
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