Saturday, October 11, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I'm not sure about this tagging stuff. I've seen some crazy tags, but I think I can handle this one. Thanks Jamie.
Six Quirky Things About Myself. Am I quirky? Do I have a peculiar structural or behavioral trait, a physiological or temperamental peculiarity, or an unusual individual reaction to food or a drug? Hmmm...I can probably think of a few, although, I am perfectly normal and will have an extremely hard time thinking of traits that are remotely quirky. ;)

1. Let's get the "reaction to food or a drug" out of the way. My food of choice
is my drug of choice~ ice cream! I usually have a dessert after dinner, whether it's a slice of cake or a chocolate chip. But I prefer ice cream. You can pretty much guarantee there will be a big ol' tub of Oreo in our freezer any day of the week. Once I have my ice cream, I feel joy. I feel my day is complete. Ahhh...

2. Another strange food reaction goes to the tomato. I hate tomatoes. When preparing dinner, if there is a tomato involved, I try to avoid dealing with it and leave the job to someone else. If I'm ever asked to slice them, I cringe at the site of the goo spilling out before me. I do not like tomatoes. My husband thinks I'm crazy because he absolutely loves them. He finds it weird that I dislike the tomato, yet enjoy ketchup, spaghetti sauce, and salsa. It's a texture thing.

3. Most people don't like speaking in front of crowds. I think it's a fear for most people. I am not excluded. If asked to speak in church, I try to convince them that I
just spoke and someone else needs a turn. If I speak, I work myself up, get stressed, worry, and then eventually get sick. If I have to conduct or make an announcement with a microphone in front of me, my nerves go into shock and I fumble over my words or sometimes forget what I was going to say. Which can also hold true when I'm talking on the phone to someone I don't really know. I have been known to forget my phone number, address, or the entire reason I'm calling. Peculiar...especially since I was a teacher for several years and never had this reaction in the classroom or with all the parents. But you know, A and I have noticed I'm not that bad anymore. Maybe kids have worked my nerves over a bit. ;)

4. I like to have all my light switches in the correct position. You know, if the light is off it faces downward. If the light is on it faces upward. Example of a tiny bit of quirkiness: There are two light switches for the stairway- one at the bottom and top. If I'm turning off the lights downstairs, I will turn off the stairway light as well. It's downstairs. I will then walk upstairs in the dark. I don't know why I do this. I just do. Why can't I leave the light on and turn it off once I get upstairs? It's probably because my switches would be facing the wrong direction.

5. I need a fan on while sleeping. Not only do I like the breeze, but I need the noise. It drives me crazy to hear creaks of the house, car doors and engines, or the kids. Yes, the kids. I don't need to hear every sigh, roll, or grunt they make. I need to sleep.

6. Fall is my favorite season. Spring is the worst. Yes, the flowers and bright green leaves appearing on trees are beautiful, but my allergies hit at that time of year, therefore, I dread Spring. It may be odd to hear me moan over the signs of Spring appearing. Plus, you never know what to wear. It's freezing in the morning and before you know it, the day is a scorcher. Spring is the worst.

Are these quirky? Naaaahhh...I am
perfectly normal.


Shena said...

WOW! You and Cheeto are so much alike it's scary!

Unknown said...

Scary how similar we are. I love ice cream, though I don't think it's quite to your level. However, the tomato thing I totally understand! Even the smell gets to me. But I do like salsa, marinara, ketchup, etc.

Try teaching Gospel Doctrine--that'll cure your fear of speaking. It's like giving a talk every Sunday.

I have to sleep with a fan on for the noise and air movement. I even took a fan to the mountains when we met your parents last weekend. And I get the light switch thing, as well. I do that and worse!

Leticia said...
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Carolina Chocolate said...

Hey Lettie! Good to hear from you. Sorry I had to delete. It's the names. ;) I guess Cheeto and I have a few quirky, I mean normal, things we could chat about!

Perky's Posts said...

Fall is my favorite too! Too bad that fall comes in November here and summer, well those 120 degree days stink.

Hot Chocolate said...


need I say more. You understand.

(What is it with people and tomatoes? They tie with ice cream on my list. It's true. It always has been. Even when I was three. Just don't put them together. Tomatoes in dinner + ice cream for dessert solves all of life's problems.) ;)