Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hot Days of July

The 4th was eventful. We really loved having cousins E and C over to play. The moms got to chit chat and the dads got to grill.

Cousins, E and E, on the water slide.

Cousin C chillin' out in the swing before taking a dip.

That evening we had 5 more friends come over to splish and splash with us.

It was funny to see 6 out of the 8 kids in the little pool! There were 6, but J is out of the shot.

N took his sister E down the slide and they loved it!

That night we relaxed and read books in bed.

W is holding his favorite book (I'm Trying To Be Like Jesus). He'll sing it with you, but he's not much of a book lover yet. O, on the other hand, loves books, especially ones about animals and trucks.

Other July events include planting a Crepe Myrtle tree.

Sprinklers. W was a bit nervous about getting sprayed.

The boys playing a game they made up themselves.
Notice W. He dressed himself in two different outfits. The first has shorts and he has both legs in one leg hole. It was hilarious to watch him walk, climb the stairs and jump off the slide.

Daddy Daughter Baseball Night

Despite the unbearably hot and humid weather, Daddy and E had a great time at the game.

We also have a lovely shot of a woman in hot pink for all of our friends and family to see.

E mentioned the "Big Green Guy" all year. She just about jumped out of her skin with excitement when she saw him coming.

Fireworks after the game.

E loved the fireworks, of course, and everyone around her seemed to be loving her reaction. They seemed to be watching her more than the fireworks!

Pleased as punch.

The gigantic baseball...classic shot.

A Goldfish Named Owie

Things were going swell. W bustin' his face, the kidney stone dilemma, O starting to bite people...you know, everyday normal stuff. So, I wasn't surprised when E falls backward and hits her head on the cement. The jawlike clip she was wearing disintegrated on impact, leaving a gash in her head. I didn't know this wound existed when I rushed to hold her. It didn't take long to realize my entire hand was wet and her hair was saturated with blood.

Surprisingly, I was extremely calm.

I cleaned her up and applied pressure until the bleeding stopped. Within a half hour it started again. Pressure. It stopped. We ate lunch. Started again.
So I called the doctor thinking we may have to go glue her head. Ten minutes later, I was loading my once sleeping babies into the car.

She was checked out and they felt like she didn't need anything. I was surprised. I really thought she would get some glue. But no. We just slowly watched her owie heal from the shape of a perfect goldfish to a scab that eventually flaked off.

Do You Want A Ponytail?

Ponytail Day!
Everyone wants one,
everyone gets one!

Rub a dub dub...three cuties in a tub.

A Day With Friends

E had a great day with friends. A and W spent the day with us so they all had time to play dress up, doctor, dentist, riding in cars, basketball, chase, bikes, and build forts and swing and.....a lot more. E is the same age as A and my boys are close in age to W. It's always fun to have these guys around!!

More Fun With Cousin E

Our week was busy for sure. I found myself wishing I had my camera more times than I could count, but I did manage to capture a few activities.
Bath time with all four kids. Room flooded. Awesome.

An indoor playground. Craziness.

The Children's Museum. Making calls at the doctor's office.

Weighing the babies.

Going for an airplane ride. We were excited to have Sassy along (front seat), but who's the kid with the mohawk? I know that's what O is thinking.

All Aboard!! The train was a HUGE hit.

E, the conductor. Soooo excited.

Loved playing between the train cars. They could sit to eat, load luggage, shovel coal, or drive the train.

Cousin E looking out the window.

Driving the train, complete with sound effects.

Indoor slides.

Fire Fighters in the truck.

Hangin' out in the police car.

Riding bikes for exercise.

Delivering mail.

Playing dress up at home.

Getting ready to run through the sprinklers.

Riding the trikes.

Picking flowers.

And eating watermelon!

Fun With Cousin E

We had E's cousin stay with us for 8 days while her parents were gallivanting around on a childless vacation. The nerve of some people!
While she was here, we had plenty to do. Besides shopping, library visits, and story times, we also enjoyed time at Grandma and Pa's house.
Yummy french toast breakfast with strawberries.

Watching the guys work in the yard.

Tearing out bushes from the front yard.

O wanted to drive the tractor.

Everyone took a turn. E's cousin is making the tractor sound. She loved it.

Tractor ride around the yard and in the woods where it happened to get stuck.

W rescued from the tractor.

Shucking corn for dinner.