Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hot Days of July

The 4th was eventful. We really loved having cousins E and C over to play. The moms got to chit chat and the dads got to grill.

Cousins, E and E, on the water slide.

Cousin C chillin' out in the swing before taking a dip.

That evening we had 5 more friends come over to splish and splash with us.

It was funny to see 6 out of the 8 kids in the little pool! There were 6, but J is out of the shot.

N took his sister E down the slide and they loved it!

That night we relaxed and read books in bed.

W is holding his favorite book (I'm Trying To Be Like Jesus). He'll sing it with you, but he's not much of a book lover yet. O, on the other hand, loves books, especially ones about animals and trucks.

Other July events include planting a Crepe Myrtle tree.

Sprinklers. W was a bit nervous about getting sprayed.

The boys playing a game they made up themselves.
Notice W. He dressed himself in two different outfits. The first has shorts and he has both legs in one leg hole. It was hilarious to watch him walk, climb the stairs and jump off the slide.

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