Wednesday, September 8, 2010

To The Mall

Where do you go with a bunch of kids on a hot summer day while
traveling? The mall.
O was unsure about the carousel. He held tightly onto me throughout the ride.
W loved the ride!
E was loving it too.
Check out cousin M.
Dancing in the play area.
The boys climbing and running around.
This was funny. The boy in the striped shirt had pushed W ( that part wasn't funny) and O came running to his aid. Before the kid knew it, O was looking down on him. I started to walk over not knowing what to expect, but then they all started to play with the toy on the wall. I hope they always look out for each other.
Playing on the cars that take like $5 to ride for 30 seconds.
I would hate to spend my money on those.
The kids had fun pretending and running from car to car. What was funny was when another family came by and actually threw their money into the Hot Dog truck and all the kids in our group watched in awe. Wow, it moves! Two of my sister's kids actually climbed in with the strangers like they were part of the family. Ha Ha!!
We're fans of pretending.

We ate lunch and called it a day when 2 of the 6 kids started meltdowns and 2 others were fighting sleep. A fun day, I tell ya.

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