Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dr. Suess

For our March activity, we celebrated Dr. Seuss at the Resource Center.
The kids made their own hats.

They were able to play with all of the Center's games and toys, as well as the Dr. Seuss activities.
Then came the green eggs and ham. E was not pleased.
I do not like them Sam I am. I do not like green eggs and ham.
Try them!
Say! I do like them!
W's favorite part was the clear fruit punch. It looks like water, but's sweet fruit punch.
O liked it all and he managed to stuff it all in his mouth...quickly.
Finishing it off with cupcakes...a big hit. The kids had a grand time and it was 24 hours later that we got sick...over and over again. Good times.

1 comment:

Carson Knaphus said...

My sister-in-law is an Elementary School teacher, and she celebrate's Dr. Seuss' birthday with flair...check it out!