Monday, February 6, 2012

So...There I Was...

...Up practically all night timing contractions. I tried to get sleep, but it was nearly impossible. The contractions were pretty steady at 6 or 7 minutes apart, but then I'd have a random 10 minute one that would frustrated me. I finally dozed off around 4:30am, only to be awakened at 6am by a strong contraction. Before I could react, I had another. I shot out of bed and started gathering. A, who was very calm, began to wake the kids and load them, along with their suitcases, into the van. While I was preparing to leave, the contractions were steadily coming at 3-4 minutes apart. 
We had a drive ahead of us. Our plan was to drop E off at one cousin's house and the boys at another. However, as we traveled we decided to drop all of them off at one house and head to the hospital. My brother and sister-n-law were very gracious to help us out. In fact, a simple drop off became an all day event. Just as we sent E off to play with her cousins and we began to chat about our events thus far, my contractions went from 3 minutes apart to 5-6 minutes apart. WHAT?!
So...we ended up spending most of the day there. I danced, lunged, squatted, and climbed stairs all while my labor music played. Yes, labor music. Hubby made me a sweet mix. An awesome mix.
The kids rode bikes.
A blew the leaves with brother G, took a nap, and watched football.
I also walked the neighborhood.
 When the contractions got back down to 4-5 minutes apart, we decided to check in at the hospital. I was queezy at this point and knew it wouldn't be long. Or would it? I continued to walk while checking in and had my barf bag on hand.
 Once they got me into an exam room, contractions were at 2-3 minutes apart and lasting for a minute or more. I was vomiting now and the shaking started. I was really getting close, or so I thought. The nurse told me I was dilated to a 1. WHAT?! We went walking through the halls, stopping every couple minutes to grip the rails or barf. Near the end, I told A, I just can't do this anymore. I was in a great deal of pain. Some of the contractions were back to back with not much time in between. What was the result? Still a ONE. We were flabbergasted, including the nurse who thought for sure I was close to delivery. YOU"VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!! I yelled...for everyone to hear. She called the doctor and he told me to go home. I live too far away to go home. Plus, how in the world are we supposed to know when to come back if my body is acting like its in transition?

Let's face it. I was mad. Frustrated. Tired. In pain. I did not want to leave. As I lifted my legs to get out of bed, my water broke and we all screamed for joy. My nurse was the loudest as she jumped for joy, clapping her hands. She admitted she really didn't want me to go home. This is a picture of us when I was officially admitted. Now...let's get going.

1 comment:

TheLittleDavisFamily said...

I am so enjoying your story! I can't wait to hear the exciting conclusion. Thank you for sharing. :)