Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Gifts of Merriment

A great big THANK YOU goes out to L and the Q family for sending lots of love and merriment our way. The kids loved the gifts you sent. The excitement just can't be contained when packages arrive at the door! With gifts aside, the shipping boxes and packing peanuts supply hours of entertainment.
Shouting hooray.
Adoooorable jacket. Sorry, no smile. He's still pouting from an earlier altercation.
With toothpaste in both hands (from stockings), he smiled for the picture. He loves his jacket too.
Doll and ballerina sticker book...too cute. She begs to do a page a day. We had to limit her fun or else it would have been finished within about 7 minutes. I'm happy to say that we are still having fun dressing dolls and ballerinas.
Several times she has asked to go camping with Daddy and the scouts. She's now excited to camp with her happy family and roast marshmallows "just like the bonfire at Pa's."
Don't you love the jaw drop?
Drinks out of her thermos almost daily.
She likes her sweater. "Oooo, I like the purple and green" she said.
The boys love the cars that make noise, music, and have flashing lights. We were all bobbing to Funky Town throughout Christmas day. The cars are loved so much that they too must have a limit for play time....and it is enforced.
Thank you so much for being so generous. You guys are very thoughtful and we greatly appreciate everything you do for us and the kids. Now they are warm inside cute jackets and all have their own merriment sent from afar. Thanks. You're awesome!

1 comment:

Gordon, Jamie, Evelyn, Claire and Bonnie said...

So cute! I love E's expression in the first picture - she is really excited!!!!