Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Surprise For Daddy

 Don't look Daddy. We have a surprise for you.
 E: Ta-da! Look at all these pictures and letters we made for you! Aren't they beautiful? I made these. 
O: I made this one!
 Daddy received family portraits,
 lots of letters full of gratitude and love,
and a stone decorated with the kids' handprint, a footprint, and fancy jewels.

 Baby H provided the tiny footprint.
 I'm so cute.
 Everybody smile!
 Ok, let's try this again. Smile!
One more time. Everybody smile! Ok...that's good enough.
We love you Daddy!


Ryan and Rachel said...

Too cute!!

Hot Chocolate said...

Love the hand/footprint idea for Father's Day. We did that a few years ago too with E. I think we did it with V too...but now I'm not sure. Thank you for the reminder that I need to check on that. :)

Looks like A had a very nice Father's Day! Sweet love notes and pictures are the best!