Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thanksgiving Fun

The kids loved to ride bikes, trikes, and plasma cars outside in the driveway.

 We went shopping for the great deals. We didn't find much, but we did get in line to visit Santa Clause. The polar display was an advertisement for the Narnia movie coming out. They had a huge "snow globe" before reaching Santa where the kids could play. Our kids quickly became the entertainment.

 Throwing, tossing, sliding, rolling, and making snow angels were seen by all. The giggling was the best. I don't know if it was because of us, but shortly afterward, we passed Santa again and the snow was vacuumed up. Hmmm....

 They were all shy to see Santa. There was no way I could get O near him. He was very adamant about not seeing Santa.

What would you like for Christmas? Um...I don't know. I haven't made my Christmas list yet.

 Playing in the kid zone. Performing for the crowd.

 Kid Zone. Driving the fire truck together.

 The boys did yard work for Aunt S. All the boys wanted to help.

 We even celebrated cousin L's birthday. Hitting a pinata is always fun. The kids had a blast swinging a wooden golf club towards the rainbow and the adults were entertained by them. Two year olds aren't patient and thank goodness they were never clobbered by the swinging club as they tried to get in the action.

The girls worked together to open presents. E was really into it. If you just look at this picture, you might think E was mad and tried taking the gift from L. Haha! E's a good actress. Things to come, I'm sure.

And what would the holidays be without some drama? We don't have a picture, but A spent quite a few hours in the ER with W. It was really late Thanksgiving Eve when we all thought our children had been sound asleep for hours. Little did we know, sneaky W had been busy as could be in the guest room. He climbed up on the dresser and took down my purse and diaper bag. Inside, he found a gold mine full of snacks, lotions, hand sanitizer, wipes, crayons, toys, and two brand new chapsticks. He was in heaven. I'm amazed he could contain his excitement. He was so stealth as he tore into everything. When we finally heard a little sound, the damage was done. A bomb had exploded in the bedroom and W was covered head to toe with everything he could smear. All bottles and containers were empty....completely empty. Then on top of all that, we found a half eaten Tylenol on the floor. Of course, leave it up to W to find such a small thing in the deep crevices of my bag...in the dark...and in silence.

So, A took him in and spent some quality time with W while events unfolded in the ER. The man complaining of a bug moving in his ear and a woman in labor were interesting. Since we didn't know how much W ate, or if he ate anything at all, we had to take him in to be sure. After the ER copay, several hours waiting, and a simple blood test, we learned he was fine.

We're a little extra thankful this holiday season for our beautiful, healthy kids.

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