I have been wanting to get E into any type of class for awhile now. She would love to take ballet/tap, gymnastics, tae kwon do, swimming, ice skating, piano, violin, drums, voice, kinder music, equestrian, soccer, and basketball. Whoa...Since we don't have the time or money to pursue all of these things, I had to find something that fit into our schedule at a price we could afford. I finally found it.
Zumba! Zumba! Zumba!
Yes! It's great! There is a kid Zumba class during an adult class at a nearby school. They meet in a cafeteria. They learn a new dance each week and perform it for the moms at the end of the class. They also do several choreographed dances, free style and dance games throughout the class. It is a sight to see!
E tends to be a few seconds behind the instructor, but she does the moves! She really likes the class, especially since she gets to bust a move with her friend, who is right behind her.
Water break! Mommy, this is so fun to be dancing! I'm exercising! I'm so healthy!
I tried to get decent pictures of her in the class, but they were in constant movement and I was too far away. Her back always seemed to be towards me.
She and her friend are in the dance circle watching one dancer at a time show off. Those in the circle were encouraged to copy the dancer in the middle. It was so hilarious to watch everyone. I saw everything from jumping in place to The Snake and a ton of breakdance moves. Can you believe E jumped into the middle to dance?! She skipped in circles.
So. So. Cute.
I am OBSESSED with ZUMBA! I have the ZUMBA-wear and everything! I go several times a week, and have the ZUMBA game for the Kinect! ZUMBAtomic for the kids is soo awesome. I'm planning on getting my instructor's certification in April. So happy that E and the fam is joining the party!
Par-tay! ;)
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