The Big O
*Solid food- he gags on every bite and wants to cry.
*Began crawling- moves like a bulldog, it's very cute, and became W's shadow.
*Sitting position- can hold up all his weight and can also sit up from a crawling position.
*Pulls up on everything- goes crazy and cries because he can't get down.
*Puts everything in his mouth- constant vigilance...from the tiniest lint to my kitchen table legs, he's made his mark. He has just about chewed his way through the slats on his crib! Ugh!
*Rides in the cart pushed by big sis- though he's much more difficult to push than W.
*Flipped himself out of the bouncy seat- he is banished from the seat now because of his flip and, well, he is way too big for it now anyway. Seriously, the seat about touches the floor. If he bounced, it would most likely break!
*Has 5 teeth now- so watch out, he still likes to chew on your feet.
Little Man
*Standing up on his own from any position- he's got great balance.
*Walks- along furniture, behind a cart, and tries to walk by himself, but skittish to walk alone.
*Eating table food- loves graham crackers and bananas.
*Initiates games- peek-a-boo in the curtains, roll or throw an object back and forth.
*Comes to me- I'll call his name and he'll come to me. If I walk into the other room with his bottle, he'll come to me. If I bend down holding O in one arm, W will come to me, stand up and place himself in my other arm to be carried away. Actually, he has been doing this for awhile.
*Pushing buttons- tv, printer, name it, he'll push it.
*Blocks- likes to stack and destroy Mega Bloks (big Legos).
*Beginning to climb- this could get dangerous fast.
Big Sis
*Visiting the dentist- we prepared her for months (more detail in later blog entry).
*Drags brothers by the arms to wherever she wants- she tries to do it slowly so they don't get hurt or quickly when she thinks I'm not looking. She knows I don't like it either way.
*Dressing herself up during nap time- this consists of several layers of clothing to the point where she can barely move (couple pairs of underwear, tights, 6 pants, 4 shirts, socks on feet and on hands for gloves, sometimes shoes and random hair clips dangling from her hair).
*Handmade dress from Grandma- she was thrilled to wear it and everyone said she looked like a princess.
*Played Pretty Pretty Princess Board Game- I'm not surprised we're already missing a few pieces...where's Big O?!
*Watched Cinderella- this was not my idea...more details on a later post.
*Watched Mary Poppins- after the initial shock, she's addicted.
*Attending Primary- Is this crazy or what?!
*Plays a computer game on a toy computer- it took some time to learn, but she can now play a game where she moves the computer mouse to direct a mouse through a maze in search for the cheese. A lot of force is behind each move...and heated palms.
The Dentist??? I can't wait to read about that visit! I love all the pictures of the kids you put up on the side - way too cute!
They are adorable! I love the updates. Thanks SO much for sharing!
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